2019-20 review of pupil premium grant at Grassington
IMPACT of pupil premium spending for 2019 – 2020
The impact of measures put in place to support children is based on teacher assessment up until February 2020; due to COVID no formal or teacher assessments were able to take place after this date. During the Autumn Term baseline assessments will take place in maths, reading and SPAG to determine gaps in learning and measures to be put in place to address these.
- Additional TA support in the classrooms was used to deliver post teaching and specific interventions for all children who were in need of additional support, enabling them to achieve greater depth or to work at a higher level within ARE
- Additional support given by class teachers/tutors and TAs especially in maths to challenge more able pupils in order for the children to work at greater depth
- All children accessed all areas of the curriculum, educational visits, after school activities impacting on increased self-esteem and feeling fully included in all aspects of school life
- Children attended school during wider reopening which helped them to socialise with their peers prior to transfer to secondary school and/or prior to transition to the next academic year.
- TAs worked with specific children on a one- to one basis or within small groups to boost confidence and self-esteem following lockdown. Good communications between parents, school and other agencies helped to resolve any issues or concerns of the child or from home.
- School increased communication with more vulnerable families to ensure their health and well-being during lockdown and to help with queries about transfer to secondary schools. Resulting in school having good relationships with these families and smooth transfer for those children to secondary education