2019-20 review of pupil premium grant at Cracoe & Rylstone
IMPACT of pupil premium spending for 2019 – 2020
The impact of measures put in place to support children is based on teacher assessment up until February 2020; due to COVID no formal or teacher assessments were able to take place after this date. During the Autumn Term baseline assessments will take place in maths, reading and SPAG to determine gaps in learning and measures to be put in place to address these.
- TA support in classroom enabled specific targeted support for all children, resulting in mid-year teacher assessment indicating that the vast majority of children were working at expected or beyond in reading, writing and maths.
- Increase in percentage of children working at greater depth due to increase in challenge
- Successful procedures in place for same day intervention to address misconceptions, enabling children to be ready for next stage of learning
- Improvements in handwriting demonstrated clearer script in children’s books and some indication that there was beginning to be an increase in speed and length of written work , due to improvement in stamina for writing
- Social and emotional concerns for some children addressed due to increased opportunities for staff to work on a 1:1 basis to discuss their anxieties
- All children included in all aspects of school life, increasing their confidence and opportunities for them to mix with larger cohorts of children within the Federation